Thursday 12 May 2016

Biggest rivalry in cricket

The India–Pakistan cricket rivalry is one of the most intense sports rivalries in the world. An India-Pakistan cricket match has been estimated to attract up to one billion viewers, according to TV ratings firms and various other reports. The World Cup semifinal between India and Pakistan in 2011 was watched by 1.5 billion television viewers across the world. None of the other major sporting contests in the world pit nation against nation in a way that India vs Pakistan does in cricket.

Where did this rivalry start from you ask? Well listen up closely, cause its going to be a big history lesson for all you folks!

The rivalry between India vs Pakistan has an enormous history of violence and traumatic separation between the two countries that makes the India-Pakistan cricket rivalry very different. In other international rivalries, say Australia vs England for example, the historical link is very old. The India-Pakistan rivalry is still current. There's constant friction between these two countries still going on right now.....this minute!."

It all started in May, 1999 when a war was breaking out in Kargil, Kashmir, a long-disputed region on the India-Pakistan border. About 5,000 Pakistani soldiers spread themselves high in the mountains of Indian territory. Days later, India sent 30,000 soldiers of its own to the region. Every day for almost a month, India fired nearly 5,000 shells, threw mortar bombs, and launched rockets at the Pakistanis, who returned fire with AK-47s, anti-aircraft guns, and Stinger missiles. 

Pakistan shot down one of India's fighter jets, and both sides took prisoners. No two countries with nuclear weapons had ever engaged in such direct, conventional warfare—nor have they since.

Ever since, 11 men from each of the countries took to the elegant, manicured fields in Old Trafford, England, to square off in the Cricket World Cup, not only playing the game of cricket, but trying to make peace between both these countries and this is the only way both parties agreed on.

So know you guys know why this happens each year and why its always SOOOOOO intense! 

As people in both countries love their national sport of cricket, some people even go to the next level for the love for their sides......this is where it starts to get a bit weird, hang on to something ;) 

Some people before India-Pakistan match starts, maybe few hours, days, weeks or even YEARS! yes i said YEARS perform rituals. Some might offer 101 coconuts to deities (their gods) and conduct sacred fires. While others might say special prayers, sacrifice lambs, and distribute the meat. 
Because a DEFEAT to either one these teams means that media would roast them till the next time they play each other as well as fans would pelt stones at houses because they feel so depressed.

Here is a small video that shows the past rivalry from the start to one of the most recent games!
And remember this is not just a game to all these people, it is about making peace with each other and trying to come together as it was wayyyyy before any wars or destruction happened 

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