Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Tuesday, 17 May 2016
Life imitating art, or how a meme started a presidential campaign
The meme played off other pop culture references, like the friendly fire between late night comedy hosts Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert…
And the enduring Feminist Ryan Gosling meme.
Keeping it topical, they even memed a reference to the great (and unfortunately named) Anthony Weiner nude photo leak of 2012.
There was always a common theme throughout the meme though, and that involved possible greater ambitions for HRC.
Stacy and Adam saw opportunity in creating a meme from a simple candid photo, but they probably didn't quite see the level of potential it could bring – this meme launched the social media presence for a woman now running for president. When Hillary added herself to the twittersphere, she did so using the meme photo, the hashtag #tweetsfromhillary and a thank you note for the inspiration. This meme had world power!
Welcome and best bio ever @HillaryClinton
— pattiesellers (@pattiesellers) June 10, 2013
Pepe - The Original Dank Meme
NSFW - Language and Adult Themes
This is perhaps going to longest and worst post on this blog simply because there is so much to cover. In total our friend Pepe the Frog spans over a comic, at least 1252 submemes and so many variants that it would literally take weeks to finish this post so here's the deal. This post is going to be the highlight reel of some of the most memorable and altered Pepe's on the internet crème de la crème if you will. So sit back, relax and enjoy the sweet sweet sounds of the internet moaning in disapproval because their favourite variant was not mentioned.Pepe originated as a character within the 2005 Gross-out comic Boy's Club. Written by Matt Furie, the cast consisted of a group of teenage monsters named Brett, Andy, Landwolf and Pepe the Frog. This comic and Pepe in particular first became relevant in early 2008 when one of the comic strips was uploaded on the 4chan's /b/ board. It depicted Pepe pulling his pants down in order to use the bathroom. This along with the expression "Feels Good Man" were the first among many Pepe variants to become popular on 4chan.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Memes about food. Because we all love food!
Do you see the irony? What's the point of a diet coke when you're probably going to get diabetes from eating that ALONE. But then that's the reason why it's so funny! Food memes both make you laugh and hungry, especially if you love food as much as I do!
Sunday, 15 May 2016
Tall Bronnie Syndrome
Bronwyn Bishop seen heading to the corner store for a carton of milk & loaf of bread
— Dave (@chef09876) July 19, 2015
#BronwynBishop just watering her front garden. #BishopGate #auspol
— Tom Marlow (@TomMarlow_) July 20, 2015
Bronwyn Bishop has come out of hiding today and was seen taking her dog for a walk
— alex dunnin (@AlexDunnin) July 18, 2015
Bronwyn Bishop's motorcade to work this morning. #auspol
— Simon Taylor (@MrSimonTaylor) July 20, 2015
#BronwynBishop has eggs for breakfast. #auspol #choppergate #BishopProbation
— David M. Green (@David_M_Green) July 20, 2015
My contribution to #BronwynBishop #helicopter memes #auspol #choppergate
— Melinda Scott (@mellies101) July 20, 2015
The saga over entitlements for politicians played out for weeks, and eventually, Bronwyn found herself being asked to resign. She probably wasn't looking for a meme to cover that particular event, but the internet provided for her anyway...
one @BronwynBishop meme to rule them all
— Josh (@justjawshh) August 2, 2015
How many can you do?
As Brett Lee was a fast bowler for Australia when he did theses ads for Weet-Bix he had to be very conscientious about his diet & stick to it rigidly. Weet-Bix are a good source of fibre. He used to eat 7 every morning and once said his plan was to eat 9! He sticks to a high carbohydrate diet of such things as pasta & rice dishes, with plenty of fluids. Ultimately, very Weet-Bix he eats, will be another wicket he takes for his country against any other team.
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Animal memes: Humans aren't the only memes!
Not Impressed?
Memes were always meant to be a source of laughter, it's what it was created for. Animal memes are no different, if they weren't doing what they were intended for, there wouldn't be that many around. Its great to have such a huge variety of memes to look at to suit different types of people and their individual taste. Some memes can be outright cruel, while others can be adorably cute... speaking of which:Umaru - The Most Hated Anime Girl
Warning! Course Language - I think you know what you are in for by now..
Umaru Dogma is the fictional character from Sankaku Head's anime and manga entitled Himouto! Umaru-chan. It follows a young high school student who appears to be perfect when it comes to all areas of school life however, when she returns home, she turns into the manga reading, cola drinking and anime playing alter ego. As a result, people seem to connect to her alter ego and empathise with her however, member of the shitposting community hate Umaru for encouraging laziness and misrepresenting the Otaku community.
Meanwhile, on 4chan, Umaru had become a hot topic but for all of the wrong reasons. It had become a source of shitposting on the site. Boards /a/, /v/ and /r9k/ were using pictures of Umaru to inspire a hatebase for the anime character.
A John Cena Parody of the Himouto! Umaru-chan Opening
Friday, 13 May 2016
Netflix and spill?
We start with the easy targets – Tone's intriguing fascination with eating raw onions and his boundless capacity to be photographed wearing speedos.
— Kalinda Atkinson (@Kalindaargh) September 16, 2015
I'm not sure how I forgot... we're also farewelling our Minister for Women. #putoutyouronions #libspill #auspol
— Jo Alabaster (@joalabaster) September 14, 2015
Never thought one man's deserved demise would be so much fun #PutOutYourSpeedos #auspol #libspill
— Ben Crothers (@bencrothers) September 14, 2015
And then we delve further into an insightful commentary on the fragility and uncertainty of the Top Job in Canberra…
— Jed Knight (@JedKnight_) September 14, 2015
Sorry @TurnbullMalcolm, but it's only a matter of time! #libspill
— Roxanne Alexander (@rox_alexander) September 17, 2015
Great pic of all the Australian prime ministers since 2010.#libspill
— John Johnsonson (@JohnJohnsonson) September 14, 2015
And while Canberra collapsed amongst the warring men, the last laugh was left to the women of the world.
Julia Gillard Rushed To Hospital After Overdosing On Schadenfreude: via @SBSComedy #libspill
— SBS 2 (@SBS2) September 14, 2015
Love this meme...the state of our nation captured in a very amusing photo. #auspoI #libspill #politics #monarchy
— Tania Jayesuria (@TanJay81) September 17, 2015
So long, and thanks for all the memes, Tony!
Leg Before Watson
Watson struggled with his front pad throughout his career, being trapped in front of the stumps 29 times across 109 Test innings, the sixth most of any player in HISTORY!!
Watson was on the receiving end of some serious criticism towards the end of his Test career from opposition fans, who made merry with his poor DRS record......and this is where the meme got created from.
Watson said “The hardest thing was using up a review, it going against me, and then your mate, who was batting lower down the order who actually had a decision to review, didn’t have any to use.
To make matters worse for Watson, he has reviewed these decisions nine times and only ONCE has he been successful in having the decision overturned.
I was an opening batsman, the ball was moving, I didn’t know exactly whether it was close, whether it was missing leg, hitting middle.
“You’re also conferring with your partner as well; it’s not just me reviewing it straight away every time, because you’re there with your mate and he’s trying to help you out as well.”
“The backlash that I got (was immense), and I copped it all the way, because at the back-end of my career the crowd and everyone just gave it to me for referrals.”
HAHAH Thanks for all the laughs Watson and best of luck with your retirement.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Biggest rivalry in cricket
Where did this rivalry start from you ask? Well listen up closely, cause its going to be a big history lesson for all you folks!
The rivalry between India vs Pakistan has an enormous history of violence and traumatic separation between the two countries that makes the India-Pakistan cricket rivalry very different. In other international rivalries, say Australia vs England for example, the historical link is very old. The India-Pakistan rivalry is still current. There's constant friction between these two countries still going on right now.....this minute!."
It all started in May, 1999 when a war was breaking out in Kargil, Kashmir, a long-disputed region on the India-Pakistan border. About 5,000 Pakistani soldiers spread themselves high in the mountains of Indian territory. Days later, India sent 30,000 soldiers of its own to the region. Every day for almost a month, India fired nearly 5,000 shells, threw mortar bombs, and launched rockets at the Pakistanis, who returned fire with AK-47s, anti-aircraft guns, and Stinger missiles.
Pakistan shot down one of India's fighter jets, and both sides took prisoners. No two countries with nuclear weapons had ever engaged in such direct, conventional warfare—nor have they since.
Ever since, 11 men from each of the countries took to the elegant, manicured fields in Old Trafford, England, to square off in the Cricket World Cup, not only playing the game of cricket, but trying to make peace between both these countries and this is the only way both parties agreed on.
So know you guys know why this happens each year and why its always SOOOOOO intense!
As people in both countries love their national sport of cricket, some people even go to the next level for the love for their sides......this is where it starts to get a bit weird, hang on to something ;)
Some people before India-Pakistan match starts, maybe few hours, days, weeks or even YEARS! yes i said YEARS perform rituals. Some might offer 101 coconuts to deities (their gods) and conduct sacred fires. While others might say special prayers, sacrifice lambs, and distribute the meat.
Because a DEFEAT to either one these teams means that media would roast them till the next time they play each other as well as fans would pelt stones at houses because they feel so depressed.
Here is a small video that shows the past rivalry from the start to one of the most recent games!
And remember this is not just a game to all these people, it is about making peace with each other and trying to come together as it was wayyyyy before any wars or destruction happened
High expectation Asian memes are A+
Oh no. This cannot Be. Oh but it is. HIGH EXPECTATION ASIAN MEMES!
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Noot Noot - How a Childrens TV Show was Reborn as a Meme
Warning Language! Proceed with Caution
NOOT NOOT is the onomatopoeic sound that the cartoon character Pingu makes. The children's television show also entitled Pingu ran from 1986 through to 2010 to much acclaim. Noot Noot is the only method of communication between the penguins of the show and due to it's frequency it has been dubbed as a catchphrase.
We first begin to see the use of Noot Noot within the Youtube Poop community during 2008. Footage from the show is edited to create zany effects and to create humorous scenarios that did not occur. The phrase has also been incorporated into a number of other memes - such as MLG, Simulator Game Parodies and the Lost Episode - and a many online communities. What makes Noot Noot so popular is that the sound can easily be altered and there is over a decade worth of footage to alter. This meme has now become a staple within many online communities to the extent that can no longer exist on it's own but rather exists as a variant of other memes.
SoloWooper~!'s Famous Noot Noot Video
Richneisters Noot Noot Video
An example of remixed songs with Noot Noot
Noot Noot is still as relevent as it was at the beginning of it's meme relevancy and Google Trends show's that it is only growing in popularity.
If you liked what you read, there will be another two posts on the way so stay tuned!
What's your sign, Ted Cruz?
— TCITZK (@ZodiacTed) February 22, 2016
Then. Then. Ted Cruz appeared in a CBS candidate debate. The debate ran a Google Trends ticker across the bottom of the page to engage the audience with current google searches about the candidates. Twitter user @vrunt put out a call for everyone to search "is Ted Cruz the zodiac killer", and, shortly after, photoshopped a screencap of the debate listing it as the number one search enquiry for the debate. Despite it being an obvious fake, the Internet adopted it as lulzy gospel and went forth.
holy shit we did it. oh my god oh my god #GOPDebate
— nate (@vrunt) February 14, 2016
whew! went on a great run today :)
— Kevin Tang (@Yolo_Tengo) February 26, 2016
Why does everyone keep joking about Ted Cruz being the Zodiac Killer?
— Griffin McElroy (@griffinmcelroy) February 26, 2016
I mean he definitely is but like, people died
I think it’d be hilarious if the Zodiac Killer came forward because he couldn’t stand the idea that people think he is Ted Cruz.
— Mike Nellis (@MikeNellis) February 26, 2016
This simple bit of satire managed to gain enough traction that Heidi Cruz, Ted's wife, was asked about it by Yahoo News, responding that "...I’ve been married to him for 15 years, and I know pretty well who he is, so it doesn’t bother me at all." Of course, the Zodiac Killer was killing people before Ted Cruz was born, but never let the truth get in the way of a good story!
they say, "oh, Ted Cruz is too young to be the Zodiac Killer," but lying about his age is exactly the kind of thing the Zodiac would do.
— Cannes Boo (@J_Rosenfield) February 26, 2016
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
God of Cricket
How you ask? By just being the best player in cricket off and on the field! and that is when you can call yourself "God and not a King". When you have earned every SINGLE Indian's respect and trust in the game we call cricket.
But the 43 year old, who is a devout Hindu,"God" aka Sachin has said he does not like the phrase he gets from people. He recently told his adoring fans that he "is not a god as he makes mistakes and gods do not". But that had little or no impact AT ALL on many or ANY of his disciples, because Sachin for some is an example of a living god and NOTHING can change that.
When First World Problems become a meme
Monday, 9 May 2016
Dat Boi and the Rise of the Frog Memes
WARNING! Meme contains course langauge.

Sunday, 8 May 2016
Don't Blush Baby!!
Gayle, had just been dismissed for a quickfire 41 off 15 balls in the Melbourne Renegades comfortable win over the Hobart Hurricanes; but the live interview quickly steered away from cricket, with the opening batsman asking McLaughlin if she wanted to come out for a drink with him, before quickly adding "don't blush baby".
Then it went more viral on twitter as other cricketers and people started saying their opinions on what had just happened on live television! As well as Network 10 came under fire online for a tweet from its Ten Sport account that described Gayle's come-on as "smooth". It deleted the tweet after being criticised. The secretary of Victoria's Trades Hall Council accused the network of joking about workplace harassment.
Goes to work & gets harassed. Then her employer tweets it like it's a great joke. @tensporttv ???

But then in other news!! Months later continuing from this topic something UNEXPECTED happens and it really SHOCKS everyone!! After all this drama and chaos a new meme emerges from the old story!!!
West Indian cricketer Chris Gayle says he has named his first daughter Blush, months after the "Don't blush baby" comment that landed him in hot water.

"It must be pointed out that Mel is a wonderful, professional, informed sports broadcaster and a valued member of Network Ten and on reflection, I don't think that's appropriate for what's required in that format," he said after the awkward interview.